I’m on the final day of my “7-Day Raw Fruit Detox” and I couldn’t be happier. Don’t get me wrong; fruits are fun, tasty, nutritious, and colorful. But I really miss my veggies and morning cup of coffee. I’ve learned a lot from this experience. Plus, I’ve assisted my body in removing toxins and correcting free radical cells.
Beginning Weight: 142 lbs
Weight Loss: 0
On Day 6, I ran into a little BIG problem. I obviously wasn’t thinking when I started this Raw Fruit Detox. You see, the day before the cleanse, I started the “Veggie Photo Challenge,” asking readers to send in pictures of their favorite vegan/vegetarian dishes. I had no idea how bad I would be craving veggies. And then yesterday, this photo was submitted by my friend @LeetraRobertson on Twitter:

Immediately, my taste buds revved it into high-gear, telling my brain, “WE NEED THIS BURGER!” Imagine eating fruits for six days, and then seeing this beautiful vegan burger. I almost cancelled the last two days of my detox. Instead of giving in (completely), I decided to venture off the beaten path, and look up some “uncommon fruits.” Maybe there were some fruits that I didn’t know about which would taste more like… vegetables.
I did a few searches on Google and learned something I wish I’d known from Day 1. I found that there were fruits that I had been calling vegetables! Among these fruits were: Squash, Okra, Green Beans, Bell Peppers, and Olives. I had never thought of these foods as fruit! From a botanical standpoint, they’re considered fruits because they contain the seeds of the plant. That was good enough reasoning for me!
I set off to the grocery store and picked up some of these veggie-like fruits. Within minutes (literally), I had them chopped up and into a pot. I heated them up on low heat for just a few minutes, sprinkling in some kosher salt. I wanted them warm, but raw (under 115 degrees).

With a few slices of tomato (also a fruit), they more than hit the spot! It was nice to eat something that wasn’t extremely sweet, and that wasn’t loaded with citric acid. After 6 Days of eating nothing but fruit, I’ve gotten a slight tingling in the back of my throat. This is most likely due to a build up of fruit acids. Luckily, this “fruit stew” gave my poor throat a much needed break.
I also came up with another smoothie recipe. These recaps have become mostly recipe posts, but I’m sure that you don’t mind. I was craving something with dark berries. So I came up with this sweet concoction!
Dark Berry Smoothie (recipe here)

Well, it’s on to Day 7 (final day). Today’s goal is to make a cherry dessert of some kind. I’m thinking cherries, cucumbers (also a fruit), bananas, dates, and lots of ice. Check back in tomorrow to see what I come up with!