In an effort to become the craziest vegan blogger around, I am embarking on a 7-Day Raw Fruit cleansing detox. Well… that’s only partially true. I am actually looking to cleanse my body like I never have before, ridding it of all toxins and any other harmful substances. Of course, I’m not the first person to try a fruit diet for a few days. Believe it or not, there are people who eat all fruit, all the time; we call them fruitarians.
For centuries, various cultures have experimented with the process of detoxifying the body with an entirely fruit-based diet, often referring to the process as a fruit fast. Individuals who have completed such fasting claim to have increased energy, weight loss, and better health overall. Some even believe that they have reduced their risk of certain diseases.
But how bad could my body be? I eat nothing but whole plant-based foods. I exercise a minimum of three hours a week. I don’t need to lose weight or increase my energy. Believe it or not, toxins are all around us. They make their way into our drinking water and the air we breathe.
And if you aren’t buying organic foods, you may have residue from pesticides built up within your body. The antioxidants, phytonutrients, enzymes, and fiber from fresh organic fruit help to drive out these impurities, stopping the formation of free radical cells. So you see, even I, could use a fruit detox every once in a while.
I came up with some rules that I knew I could follow and would be beneficial to this process. If this were going to be a healing process, I would have to take it seriously and lay down some ground rules.

Fruit Detox Rules:
1. No Coffee (not even decaf)
2. No Veggies (just fruit)
3. No added sugar to anything
4. No cooking (keep it raw)
5. I will eat at least one meal a day of whole fruit (the other two can be smoothies or juices)
6. I will track every piece of fruit I eat over the next week, accounting for my nutritional intake. I will also weigh myself each morning.
I will add to this list if I find it necessary during my raw fruit cleansing journey, but I think that this is a good start. With that said, it’s day one and time for me to get blending. I’m actually really excited to be doing this. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to see (and feel) my body going through such a therapeutic change. I look forward to sharing my experience with all of you. I hope that you will check back each day to see my progress. And if you like fruit recipes, you can expect many of them in the upcoming days.
As I mentioned above, I’ll be tracking every piece of fruit that goes into my mouth. Not only do I want to track the nutritional content of everything I’ve eaten, but also how much it cost. We’ll see just how expensive it is to eat a diet rich in exotic fruits. Stay tuned, this should make for a fun and interesting week!
I must give a shout-out to Emily from ThisRawsomeVeganLife for inspiring me to give this cleansing a try. She recently went on a 10 day juice fast and enjoyed every bit of it. I figure if it’s good for her (a healthy raw vegan), it’s gotta be good for me. If you haven’t met Emily, you should drop by her blog today. She will show you how fun, healthy, and rejuvenating a vegan diet can be, naturally cleansing the body from the inside out by eating raw plant-based foods (many of them deserts). Not to mention, her photography is absolutely stunning!
More Info:
Raw Foods Diet Center
I might be just as excited as your are about this! Look forward to every little update on how you're feeling and what you're eating. One thing is for sure though, your food is going to be the prettiest of all foods ๐
Oh and while I'm at it.. Now when you're not drinking coffee, I would be more than happy to volunteer and drink your coffee for you. Deal?
My food has become quite colorful! That is so kind of you to help me out with the coffee, lol. I thought I could count on you to take care of that for me ๐
Just to let you know, I did a very bad job today. Only had one (1) cup! I must be sick or something?! ๐