Another day in the books over here on Fruitopia (land of succulent fructose) and its time for my Raw Fruit Detox (Day 2 Recap). There’s so much to cover today that I want to jump right into the middle of it all. For starters, I’ve officially been caffeine-free for 48 hours. That is amazing! I have been using my hot herbal teas to get me through the hard times, but I’m sticking to mostly water at this point.
I’ve also learned to cook raw (under 115 degrees). This means that I can cook some fruits without officially breaking Rule #4 , which states, “No cooking (keep it raw).” This is great when avocados are fruit! You would probably rather have pictures with these words, so let’s get into what I fixed!
Beginning Weight: 142 lbs
Weight Loss: 4 lbs
Breakfast: Smoothie

- 1 ring of pineapple
- 1 medium tomato
- 1/2 avocado
- 1 white plum
- 3 black figs
- 1 grannysmith apple
- 1/2 cup red grapes (frozen)
- 1/2 cup berry medley (frozen)
- Total: $3.79

- 3 slices of Cantaloupe
- 1 large Ruby Red Grapefruit
- total: $3.00
- Post-Run Drink
- “Pomodoro Punch” – Grab this delicious recipe here
- Total: $2.00
Dinner Avocado Soup

- 2 avocados
- 2 medium green apples
- 1 tsp kosher salt
- water
- Total: $2.20 – Stay tuned for a heavily revised copy of this recipe!
I also had several other pieces throughout the day which did not earn themselves a picture. They included 2 slices of cantaloupe, 1/2 an avocado, and 4 bananas. I would estimate the cost of them to be no more than $2.40. So let’s see how much the Grand Total for Day 2 was.