So, you’ve made the wise decision to be an earth-protecting, animal-loving, plant-eating vegan. You’ve stockpiled your kitchen with a variety of grains, legumes, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. All seems well on the home front. But, you can’t stay locked up in your house forever. What will you do if you’re invited out to dinner by your carnivorous companions? What happens when you need to staying vegan on vacation across the country to see relatives who maintain their position at the top of the food chain?
I recently experienced this first-hand while vacationing with family out West and thought that I should post some helpful tips for my vegan followers. Vacationing should be fun. Don’t let food get in the way of that. Remember, we didn’t go vegan to live miserably. We did so to live abundantly
Related: Traveling While Vegan Tips and Tricks
Let your friends and/or family know
Friends and family can be the greatest advocates in your quest for a healthier life and the key to staying vegan on vacation. You may choose to tell them why you became vegan or simply tell them that you no longer eat meat, eggs, cheese, and milk. Telling them can free you of the negative pressure you may feel to eat their food. After a few no-thank-yous, they will get the message and back off.
Remember that it is not your responsibility (or right) to tell them how they should eat. But, it is your right to eat as you wish. If you catch yourself preaching, back off and rethink your motives. You are doing this for you, not them.
Once you are all on the same page, you may find them adjusting their eating choices to fulfill your needs. If not, that’s okay too. They may joke and pick a bit, but that’s normal. By the end of my trip, my brother had actually located a vegan restaurant for us to dine at. We all enjoyed it very much.

Take the necessities
Some foods are not widely available in grocery stores. Some are just too expensive to be buying extra of. Examples of these foods are Chia seeds, Spirulina, Soy Protein, Hemp Seeds, and Nutritional Yeast. If you are flying on a plane, remember that you can bring on food in a backpack or carry-on luggage. I stocked mine up with nuts, bananas, apples, and pears. (Added note: Reserve your seat closest to the aisle. We know how fiber works.)
Airline services don’t offer many plant-based options and the peanuts they do offer are usually contaminated with a coating of HFCS and/or preservatives.I also recommend taking with you any gadgets, blenders, or utensils you may need to prepare your meals.
I use my Vitamix religiously. I begin every morning with a kale smoothie and don’t plan on changing that because I’m not at home. I saved a special spot in my luggage for it. My family was pretty happy that I brought it after I made them a few smoothies. I may have even made the Vitamix Co. some new customers.
Great post! 🙂