Being assertive is viewed as a very positive trait in the modern world. People all over Victoria and beyond try and succeed to boost their confidence by trying to find the best assertiveness training in Melbourne, for instance. It’s a good strategy and a good way to make up for lost time if you haven’t spent your life fostering those key skills and life habits that more naturally build a strong sense of confidence and assertiveness.
What kinds of habits are we talking about?
1. Pay Attention to Your Appearance
It’s amazing how the way we look has such an influence over how assertive and confident we feel and act, but it’s true. If you take the time to try and make yourself look like the best possible version of yourself, then your natural assertiveness will be better fostered and people will respond to it more positively.
Have you ever run into someone you know or had a conversation with someone who you think looks much better than you? When we’re feeling meek or embarrassed about our appearance compared to others, we have a tendency to start showing deference. Positive and assertive behavior starts with looking and feeling good about yourself.
2. Speak Simply and with More Certainty
Don’t misunderstand this point, we are not advising people to act like a know-it-all or to be arrogant or without any sense of being tentative about anything. However, it does remain a fact that people who can put their points in simple terms and with a sense of conviction and certainty are more assertive and will gain more positive responses from people listening.
Avoid using too many tentative words like “could,” “might,” and “possible.” Use more assertive language: It is true that…, I hold that…, I’m sure…” You can always acknowledge you might be wrong about something, but being assertive about your beliefs, convictions and principles is a good path to be on.
3. Listen to and Don’t Interrupt Others
Successfully becoming more assertive means you need to be able to command the respect of people who listen to you speak. To gain that respect, you have to also listen. As the old adage says, we have 2 ears but only 1 mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we talk.
Regardless of the right ratio, you should at least allow your interlocutor the chance to finish their arguments and/or comments before you respond. In doing so, your confident and assertive responses will carry more weight because the listening party at least cannot deny that you are answering based on what you have heard in full. When you leave things interrupted and unfinished, the other party may never accept what you say because they’ll always hold that if you’d listened to them, you would think differently. Being naturally more assertive means being able to listen and understand what others are saying to you.
4. Exercise and Routine
Confident people are boosted by endorphins and feel-good body chemicals that are coursing them each day. People in that state of mind are less stressed and thinking more clearly, which helps them to be more assertive in their daily lives. Give your daily exercise a boost to take advantage of a better state of body and mind.
5. Ask for Advice
Finally, another defining habit for those of greater assertiveness and confidence is the ability to ask others for advice and feedback when needed. Those with thin skin and a stubborn state of mind who refuse to ask others for help can’t then take good advice and insight and apply it to their lives. Those with the humility to ask for advice, feedback, and even constructive criticism will grow faster and adapt to perform their tasks more effectively. This creates a positive cycle that nurtures assertiveness and confidence.