Running Survey: Learn about the Runners

Running Survey kelley

Kelly, from I Am Running This, surprised me recently when she tagged me in a running survey that she participated in.  She was tagged from another running blogger (Sara), and then passed the conversation on to me.  How it works is, you answer the questions presented to you, then create your own questions, tag some of your favorite bloggers, and ask them to keep it going.   So to keep the ball rolling, and add momentum to this running bloggers’ love cycle, I’m posting my “Running Blogger Survey” today.

Here’s what Kelly asked me –

1.  What’s the best comment you’ve ever gotten on a blog post?

I am very fortunate to receive many great comments from my readers.  I am always surprised at the level of commitment some readers have for following my blog.  And usually when they comment, it’s full of great advice, compassion, and love.  Narrowing down to one comment isn’t easy, but there is one that sticks out in my mind.  It’s a comment I got from Batyah, a hardcore Forks to Feet follower.  See her comment below.

forkstofeet quote

After completing my book, I wasn’t sure that I would get any feedback from it.  To receive such a warm comment like this not only made my day, but made the entire book writing experience worth while.  It also showed me that people were finding my blog useful and enjoyable.  This is exactly why I created Forks to Feet.

2.  What’s your favorite blog post that you’ve ever written (not necessarily your most popular one, the one that was most fun to write!)

This is a tough one; I’ve written so many articles that I enjoyed creating.  Being a blogger is great because you’re constantly writing about what you love and learning new things as you go along. It makes it easy to create a running survey. My favorite blog post that I’ve written would probably be My Forks Over Knives Story. 

I chose this as my favorite because it really lays out the last two years of my life, and how I’ve gotten to where I am today.  Also, it serves as a message of hope to others who are looking for a happier and healthier way of life.  Not to mention, it gained recognition from the folks over at Forks Over Knives, who later posted it on their site.  It is also one of the most visited pages on my blog.

3. What’s your favorite childhood memory?

My childhood was full of fun and adventures.  Living next to a large wooded area growing up, my friends and I had access to the wonderful world of nature from a very young age.  And we (more than) took advantage of it!  There wasn’t an area of those woods we didn’t touch. 

My fondest memories took place on that land, and I believe it is where I learned to love nature and appreciate all of its beauty.  I also learned that God’s creatures are sometimes better fit for their natural habitats, as I would capture crawdads, frogs, and the occasional snake, and bring them inside to live with me.  My parents really loved that, lol.

4. What food would you absolutely positively rather not live without?


This may come off as more of a confessional piece.  I regularly praise the benefits of eating whole (unprocessed) foods, but one of my favorite foods is pasta.  There, I said it.  Although it’s completely processed, I love how easy it is to prepare, and how it offers me the carbohydrates I require as a distance runner. 

I’ve learned that you can add just about anything to this Italian dish, too.  Some of my favorites are: nutritional yeast, brussel sprouts, mushrooms, onion, tempeh, seitan, cauliflower, and sun-dried tomatoes.  I also fix my own sauce.  I’ve got two recipes right here on the blog; one that’s made in the Vitamix, and the other on the stove.

5. What’s one good piece of advice (could be about running, parenting, or just life!)?

Look deep within yourself and ask what it is you want to accomplish.  This could be for running, a career path, parenting, or just life in general.  Make a reasonable plan, and follow it.  When faced with uncertainty from others, remember this – Don’t let the limitations of others become your own.

If I had given in to the harsh skepticism of others when I decided to go vegan, I would have never become the happy, healthy, and extremely active person I am today.  Most of my life, I’ve spent chasing the dreams of others.  Today, I focus on what makes me happy in life, and when I set a goal, I follow through with it.

My Five Questions for the Running Survey:

1. How has blogging impacted your life (meeting people, learning new things, etc.)?

2. What was the most memorable comment you ever received on a blog post?

3. What are some of your favorite foods you use to fuel for your runs?

4. Who is your running hero (could be living or dead)?

5. Name five cities you want to run in before you die.

My Five Bloggers

  • Evelin from EvelinRuns
  • Robert from I Ran with Robert
  • Leetra from Running My Life
  • Emily from The Salty Pretzel
  • Laura from Running for Kicks and Giggles

I hope you guys will keep this thing alive.  I’m excited to read all of your answers!

I’ve got a challenge for everyone else – Pick one of the questions above and answer it in the comment area below.  I dare ya!

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9 Responses

  1. Emily
  2. Batyah
  3. Ryan Donohue
  4. Batyah
  5. Ryan Donohue