It’s my pleasure to introduce Adam Chaim, from Thornhill, Ontario, Canada. Adam’s a plant-powered runner, cyclist, High School PE teacher, coach, personal trainer, triathlete, husband, and father of two. Basically, he’s my hero. In late 2011, after much research and deliberation, he made the switch to a vegan diet. He had unlocked the power of plant-based nutrition, and (more importantly) saw how it improved his performance as an athlete. He now promotes his active and healthy lifestyle to others as he believes it can do the same for them.
What made you decide to start running?
I decided to pursue the goal of running a marathon & now I’m pursuing Ironman!
Is there anything that sets you apart from other runners?
I am very focused on every goal I set for myself and do everything necessary to get myself to achieve it!
What keeps you motivated?
My family. Staying healthy not only for myself, but also for them. More importantly setting a good example for and being a role model for my kids and my students.
Do you have a favorite race length?
Half Marathon
If you could run with anyone (living/dead), who would it be?
Rich Roll
What is your all-time favorite race? Why?
Scotiabank Waterfront Toronto Half-Marathon. Great course and fun to run it.
Do you have a favorite pre-race food?
EnergyBits and Vega pre-workout energizer
Post-race food?
Vega performance protein & avocadoes
What piece of running gear could you not possibly live without?
Body Glide! Helps avoid the chaffing and nipple burn!
What do you tell yourself when you are struggling?
I focus on a point not far up and get myself to that point and then choose another…until I’m done!
Do you have any current goals? Races?
I’m running the Scotiabank Waterfront Toronto Marathon October 20, 2013.
What advice would you give to someone who’s new to running?
It starts with putting on your shoes. Just get started, no matter how short the distance is or how short the time. Stop making excuses and just get started!
Where can we find you online?
Twitter (@chaimdog)
What is Target Trainers?
Target Trainers specializes in the lifestyle areas of fitness, health, sports, and nutrition. Our purpose is to offer detailed one-on-one personal or small group programs, which will enable our clients to follow and lead a long-term, healthier, and active lifestyle.
These goals will be accomplished by helping people to achieve their personal well-being objectives through individualized and tailored fitness and nutrition programs.
Stop by Target Trainers, and friend Adam Chaim on Twitter to show him your running love!
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Are you a country boy or city bred.