Runner of the Week Angela

runner of the week angela

I’m a newly 30 year old runner. I started running in 2010 and ended up taking a break until early 2013 when I recommited myself to running and ran a half marathon and a full marathon in 2013. There’s so much more to come in 2014!

Where do you live?

Calgary, AB, Canada

So what got you interested in running?

I started swimming competitively when I was 7 and swam until I was 19. Then I started University and went on to get my accounting designation and most types of fitness fell off until I completed my last accountancy exam in 2009.

Knowing I’d have some more free time in Spring 2010 I decided to challenge myself by signing up for a half marathon. I’d ran a few 10k races, but I think the last one was when I was 18, so a half marathon was going to be quite challenging and rewarding.

Is there anything that sets you apart from other runners?

I honestly think I’m pretty middle of the pack when it comes to running ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m not super fast, but I love it and I love the feeling of pushing my body.

What keeps you motivated?

First, knowing that I always feel better after a run. I’ve struggled with confidence and anxiety and running has made an unbelievable difference in my life.
Second, the sense of accomplishment. Yes, some runs hurt, but knowing that I pushed through and DID IT overshadows any pain I may have experienced.

Do you have a favorite race length?

Half Marathon

If you could run with anyone (living/dead), who would it be?

Janae Jacobs from Hungry Runner Girl, but she’d probably walk to my running pace ๐Ÿ™‚

What is your all-time favorite race? Why?

Of my six half marathon’s, SeaWheeze was by FAR my favourite. It was extremely well organized and the race atmosphere and spectators were amazing! However, I’m sure there are many more amazing races out there!

Do you have a favorite pre-race food?

I’m a creature of habit and suffer from a sensitive stomach, so I’ll eat a Stinger Stroopwaffel for food and drink a Vega Pre-Workout Energizer shake with a gel right before the finish.

Post-race food?

Yes. Food. Ha! Once I’m rehydrated, I’ll usually enjoy a beer at some point and eat whatever sounds good. If I’m traveling I love hitting up new restaurants for pizza or pasta (or steak!).

What piece of running gear could you not possibly live without?

My Newton running shoes! They completely changed my stride and made me a more efficient runner. I love them!

What do you tell yourself when you are struggling?

A long time ago, an old swim coach told me that “pain is weakness leaving the body” so I tell myself I’m getting stronger when I want to quit.

On a particularly rough morning (I was out with friends until far too late) I had a 30km training run to do. I really didn’t want to get out of bed and do it and to motivate myself (although not really PC) I told myself to “stop being a “. A bit harsh, but it worked!

Do you have any current goals? Races?

Do I ever! February 2014 I’m running in the Glass Slipper Challenge in DisneyWorld and have a goal of running a 1:55 half marathon with my pal, Ann.

I’m also hoping I’m in good shape to run a full marathon in Calgary in May and hope to run a sub-4:00 marathon. I’ll also be running SeaWheeze in August 2014 and would like to run something in fall 2014, but I’m not quite sure what yet.

What advice would you give to someone who’s new to running?

Don’t compare yourself or you pace to others. Speed doesn’t make you a runner; running does. Also – get fitted for the proper shoes! Take the time and go to a running store and spend time finding the proper shoes for your foot. You body will thank you!

What are some things you talk about on the blog?

Aside from running and talking about my cat I also enjoy traveling (being able to run where ever I go is a HUGE bonus!), photography (not that youโ€™d really know it based upon all the iPhone photos on my blog!), drinking wine and yoga (which I donโ€™t do nearly enough!).

Connect with Angela today and share your running love!

Would you like to become our “Runner of the Week?”ย  It’s really simple; just contact ForksToFeetย and we will feature you on one of our Friday posts!

If you are interested in running, and improving your health, there are many running coaches available for hire such as They can keep you motivated, and get you up to running half marathons, or even full marathons much more quickly than you will be able to just by yourself.

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