I can’t believe it’s finally here! After spending the last two weeks pouring my heart and soul onto paper, formatting text and images, and learning how to piece together a digital manuscript, the Forks to Feet eBook is complete!
Many thanks go out to the guys (and girls) at Starbucks for keeping me going on less than 4 hours of sleep a night.My goal was to get the book completed before classes started back (which is today). If I hadn’t, it would have become buried beneath a load of homework, never to be seen again. It was no easy feat, but neither is running a marathon.
I think I just love a good challenge.The book is Forks to Feet: Running My Way to Plant-Based Freedom. Throughout the book, I reminisce about the journey that got me to where I am today. I wasn’t always sipping kale smoothies and running marathons. And it wasn’t a direct path that got me here either.I dealt with many challenges; challenges to which others can surely relate.
While writing, I wasn’t sure how much I wanted to open up about certain areas of my life. Some things are better left unsaid, I thought. But after talking to several friends and praying on it, I decided to put everything on paper.
Why hold back? I wanted you (my readers) to really get to know me and understand the challenges that I have faced. More importantly, I wanted you to see how I made it through them.Areas I didn’t want to write about (but did):
- Depression
- Addiction
- Medications
- Feelings of Suicide
- Lack of Energy
- Being extremely overweight
- Hopelessness
I share how I got through all of this and began running. Running (and practicing a spiritual life) filled a void which I kept buried deep within the pit of my stomach. With a new outlook on life, and some great friends, I found hope. I also found out what it meant to eat healthy. I would have never imagined that I would be eating a plant-based diet, let alone eat a vegetable or fruit for breakfast.
Today, I feel great, look great, and enjoy life more than ever!But it’s not all about me. Throughout my story, I tackle some problems that “new” vegans will face. In the book, I show you how I overcame these problems.
Here are some of those problems:
- Worrying about what others think
- Where to get B12 and Protein
- Learning how to talk about nutrition without pushing your views
- Dealing with skeptics
- Eating with omnivores
- Fear of becoming sick
- Not knowing what to cook
- Learning where to shop for groceries
I also show you how I:
- Used a plant-based diet to propel my running
- Substituted food for medicine
- Found freedom in Veganism
Going plant-based was the best thing that I ever did for my health, but it did come with unforeseen challenges. If you, or someone you know, are thinking about switching to a vegan diet, this book could save you much of the heartache that I endured. It can jumpstart your journey and help you to live the life you always wanted. Let me show you how I lost weight, got healthy, and learned to live a happy and meaningful life!
You may be wondering – “How do I get this eBook?”For a limited time, I will be giving it away for free! That’s right, I don’t want one penny. I do ask, however, that you share this post and sign up to my email list.
Once I receive notice that you have confirmed your email subscription, I will personally send you a copy of the book directly to your inbox. Please use the box below to sign-up now! Your free eBook is just a few keystrokes away! Don’t forget to share this post to your social media pages, too. You can use the buttons at the bottom of this page.
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Man, I can't wait to start reading! I too start classes today, my hat goes off to you for completing this so fast!
I just shared your link on my Facebook page for everyone of my friends to see and I tagged my runner friends specifically! I know one has already signed up to get her copy.
Thanks Tricia!! I appreciate your help in getting my book out there. I hope you enjoy reading it. Have a great week.
Thanks Donnie. Yeah, I am beat today, lol. Time to hibernate for a while, and then get some homework done. It's already begun. Enjoy the book!
Congratulations, Brandon! I'll wait to buy your book–you deserve compensation for all that effort! Meanwhile, I have forwarded your website to others.
I wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed your book, I think it is very inspiring. I know you didn't want to talk about some subjects but I am so glad you did because I know your story will help someone else. Your site is now my favorite because of what you have overcome. Please don't stop talking about your past because I know there is so many people who need to hear your story. Keep up the good work, I know you are going to touch a lot of lives.